Popular Diets: Why They Don’t Burn Fat Permanently

If you have ever tried to lose weight on a popular diet before, chances are you’ve first tried to skimp out on the fatty foods in favor of a leaner diet. imagesCAG8T515

This is definitely a correct way to tackle a person’s fat problem. After all, denying the body food will force it to ‘feed’ on the preexisting fat that is already packed around the body. Surely the body will vaporize those unwanted fats into oblivion.

However, dieting is not as useful as you think it is – especially if you consider the following factors:

Crash-dieting on popular diets is a solitary solution to a holistic problem

This is the main reason why popular diets alone fail to burn fats in the long run.

Denying your body the fuel it needs will force it to turn on your body fats. However, this is only a short-term fix to your problem. Once you begin to revert to a regular diet, your body will automatically restore its fat reserves to what they used to be. You may have just lost 20 pounds due to strict dieting, but are going to get all 20 back once you start eating regularly again.

Crash-dieting is extremely dangerous

The crash dieting that’s advocated in many popular diets is not only ineffective, but dangerous as well.

Your body may turn to your fats for energy, but there will be damage done to your gastrointestinal organs as well. Ulcers are one of the most prominent dangers to watch out for, as the stomach and intestines start to digest themselves if they do not detect food in them. Extreme cases of dieting can even result in fainting spells, as the body lacks the fuel it needs to keep itself operating at its best. Losing consciousness and falling down aren’t the safest things around, you know.

Crash-dieting drains the will

The up-and-down cycle of crash dieting is another reason why they don’t work long term.

While a few pounds may be lost after a week’s worth of crash dieting, any return to a previous diet will eventually bring those pounds back. This can cause people to lose hope about their situation, eventually resigning themselves to the fact that they’ll be fat forever. This then drains their will to continue on with their current regimen, or any weight-loss regimen for that matter. They just accept they’ve become fat and that they can do nothing about it.

These are the main reasons why dieting in using most popular diets will get you nowhere. All that waits for you down this path is frustration self-abuse.

This does not need to be the case, though. You CAN lose weight and get rid of that excess fat – even if you don’t starve yourself through dieting alone. Develop healthy eating habits that are natural and sustainable.

What’s your experience been with popular diets?