Turning Fifty: At the Crossroads of Healthy and Chronic Disease

If you’re reading this and you’re fifty or older, or look and feel like you are, this is the most important article you will ever read.


Turning fifty is a milestone. With age comes wisdom. Sadly, a lot of unpleasant problems come with age, as well.

A friend of mine complained recently that six months before she turned fifty her mailbox was flooded with information from the AARP. It seems that no matter where you are, they know you’re turning fifty and they track you down.

Health problems are the same way. Your body knows you’ve reached this age and often starts confronting you on all fronts. Another friend commented that the day she turned fifty she suddenly needed bifocals.

The worst part is that many people reach this critical age already in poor health. Some are overweight, out of shape and suffering from two or more chronic diseases that will shorten their health span if not their life span.

According to a 2012 report from the Center for Disease control; 35% of all Americans in 2010 were obese. The number increased to 36.6% for adults between the ages of forty and fifty. For adults over the age of sixty it increased to 39.7%.

The reason this is so scary is that being overweight isn’t just an inconvenience or a matter of appearance. Obesity increases the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension which can lead to stroke, and numerous joint and mobility problems.

Unless you start taking action now you may find yourself on the fast track to disability, a nursing home or even worse. Staying healthy doesn’t just increase the length of your life — but the quality, too.

But there is good news! It’s never too late to change the course of the rest of your life. You only need to make the decision to improve your lifestyle and enjoy the rest of your life physically and emotionally. No one can make the decision for you or take the required actions but you.

Use this article as the wake up bell you need to help you get started. If you want additional motivation and support to help you along the way, check out Never Too Late for Fitness Radio.