5 Ways To Improve Your Memory

We kind of just seem to accept the fact that people’s memory declines as they get older. But this doesn’t have to be the case. Your brain is like a muscle. Muscles do decline in strength and functionality as one gets old, but the speed and significance of the decline can vary greatly. In the case of the brain, doing exercises that work out your brain can actually have a significant impact on how your brain performs as you get older. So, with that being said, here are 5 ways that you can improve your ability to remember things.

Get More Sleep

Sleep is like the brain-equivalent of putting your computer into sleep mode. It’s still running, but at a significantly reduced capacity, which lets it save energy. The same logic applies to your brain. Getting more sleep lets your brain rest, conserve energy, and get ready for a new day. If you are a night owl, consider changing your habits and getting a solid 7 or 8-hours of sleep per day.

Do Puzzles

Puzzles of any kind (logic puzzles, word searches, crossword puzzles, etc.) are like heavy-duty cardio for your brain. They make you use your brain in ways that you probably don’t use it on a day-to-day basis. Much like exercise your arm muscles makes you stronger, exercising your brain results in improved brain function., which includes your ability to remember things.

Eat Brain Food

Brain food isn’t a myth, there are certain foods out there that really do help out your brain. Key examples of this include fatty fishes like salmon. The vitamins and nutrients in brain food make your brain stronger and healthier, which results in having better memory.

Read Books

Reading books and articles is another great form of brain exercise. Not only do you exercise your brain by physically reading the words, but you also try to remember things like plot, characters, and other aspects of the book, which also works to improve your memory. So, if you don’t already read as a hobby, make a habit of doing so.

Cut Out Alcohol

Even if you aren’t getting seriously black-out drunk every day, even a little bit of alcohol can really kill brain cells, which in turn leads to an overall decrease in your brain’s ability to function. This adds up over the years and results in a serious decline in thing’s like your memory and critical thinking skills.