5 Reasons To Start Eating Clean

If you’ve ever heard the term clean eating, it may be an intimidating idea. For those who have never ventured into the world of clean eating, a world without processed foods may seem impossible. If you’re looking for more reasons to start clean eating, then you’ve come to the right place.
We’ve put together a list of the reasons you should stop procrastinating and start your clean eating today.
You’ll Sleep Better
Did you know clean eating can help you get a better night’s rest? That’s right, because of the various vitamins and minerals available in whole foods, many people find that their body is better able to regulate their natural hormones. Hormone regulation helps produce a deeper sleep at night.
The Science of Dieting highlights that nutrient dense foods contain minerals and vitamins that can also help calm your nervous system and trigger a good night’s rest. All of this extra sleep can even help you lose weight. Sleep deprivation has a correlation to the rise of obesity.
More Energy
It shouldn’t be a surprise you to have more energy when eating clean especially if you’re getting better sleep. However, that’s not the only reason you’ll find yourself with the extra energy. The nutritionally dense foods you’re eating on a clean diet contain all kinds of vitamins including the B complex vitamins and iron. Livestrong.com notes that B-Complex vitamins and iron both help your body feel energized and function properly.
Another reason you’ll have extra energy is due to stabilizing blood sugar levels. When blood sugar spikes and drops, it can cause your energy levels to spike and drop. Whole foods are processed differently than sugar sweetened refined foods. As a result, your blood glucose levels don’t jump up and your energy levels stay even.
Better Mood
With all the extra energy and sleep, you may find yourself in a better mood. According to health.com scientists found that people who ate more fruits and vegetables had more energy, calm, and greater feelings of overall happiness.
A different study found that people who ate more servings of fruits and vegetables boosted their mental well-being. This study had people eating at least seven servings of fruits and vegetables a day. That equals about half of every meal. When you’re eating whole foods, the vitamins and minerals you get can level your hormones and put you in an overall better mood.
Saves Money
For some reason people associate clean eating with ultra-posh, super organic, processed foods. But whole foods are typically foods found in their natural form. If you can’t pick it, plant it, kill it, and cook it it’s probably not a whole food.
This doesn’t mean you have to start your own garden or pickup hunting during deer season. But it means you want to eat foods in their natural form as often as possible. If you’re buying whole foods, the total cost of your food dollars will go down. While organic it may seem better overall, many traditionally agriculture foods will be great for regular consumption– and your pocketbook.
Feel Fuller Longer
One reason that many diets fail is the lack of fullness they offer to the dieter. That’s where clean eating will succeed. Clean eating leaves you feeling full longer. This is because of the way your body digests whole foods. Whole grains like oats and whole-grain bread are low glycemic index and they take longer to break down in your body.
The longer something takes to break down in your body the longer it will take to empty from your stomach. Also, since your blood sugar will not be spiking and dropping all day, you’ll be able to better handle hunger cravings as they come. Eating whole foods will make you feel full longer but it will also help you manage your hunger symptoms.
These are the top five reasons why you need to start clean eating today. It will help you in almost every aspect of your life– not just your waistband. What you mean is