The 30 Day Weight Loss Challenge in Fat

High School Reunion

High School reunions do strange things to us; we really have to look our very best, especially if we spent three or four years of being a chunky wallflower. You will stand out in the crowd, as a new you, with your new dress.

Your weakness for sweets and a sedentary life may severely hinder squeezing yourself into your favorite dress, so you really should take action. You have one month until the reunion, and you have to lose ten pounds. If you are to live a normal life, work and run a household, starving yourself is not an option, so you need a plan that’s going to work for you.

Drink a glass of water before each meal, and when you feel like snacking, avoid sodas and juices as they contain sugar. You will feel full if you take in a glass of water every so often, and will help cleanse your system. Empty your refrigerator and cupboards of everything that contains sugar and fat, why provide yourself with temptations like chips and cookies.

Start your day with a good breakfast, a bowl of oatmeal or unsweetened cereal, and some fruit chopped in with low fat milk. If you want something sweet, add honey to your of tea or coffee. Plan to have five or six small meals, and make sure each contains plenty of vegetables or fruit. Organic fresh green vegetables are the best option, because you will feel full for longer with just a few bites.

Wait for your stomach to start growling before you sit and eat, with a plate, spoon and fork, concentrate on what you eat. It helps when you have a small plate when you eat.

By being pre occupied with the daily household tasks such as cleaning walking the dog or playing with the kids can help your day go by without thinking too much about food.

If you get bored, then why not go to the gym with a friend, you don’t have to be a member.

Do not look at the scale every few hours, it takes time for all chemical processes in your body to start changing, your metabolism will then speed up and you’re fat to start melting. Check your progress after two weeks to see the results of your efforts, halve the amount of red meat and starches if nothing has happened.

Diet pills should be the last resort, but if you are really desperate, it is good to know which pills will offer you the best results without a high price tag, or dangerous consequences.

Fruit and plant weight loss capsules are a completely natural concentrate, and of 176 customer reviews, 91 gave them the thumbs up, they are completely natural, made from papaya, lemons, balsam pears, spirulina, and radish. These capsules stop the digestion of fat being absorbed by the body; they neutralize the fat and act as a detoxifying agent.

If your extreme efforts pay off and you dazzle everyone at the reunion with your hourglass figure and glowing skin, think about sticking to your healthy diet, minus the pills, for long-term results. Now that was not too difficult?

During the month of your weight loss quest, try to get your husband and kids involved, or you could be tempted to eat fries and other fat related foods with the rest of the family, and you don’t want that.

