Super Human Cardio! in Kettlebell

In order to develop truly amazing cardiovascular fitness you have got to turn the dial up on your intensity! Imagine for a moment being in the middle of a set of kettlebell swings or snatches. Now executing these particular types of lifts with the iron bell is as challenging on your cardiovascular system as anything you will ever try. If you don’t believe me then you haven’t experienced an extreme kettlebell cardio workout!

I have always been involved in athletics and being a professional trainer I have always understood the meaning of “physical exertion,” but the kettlebell is in a league of it’s own! If you haven’t participated in any of the base strength endurance related lifts with kettlebell exercises such as swings and snatches then you are truly doing your cardiovascular system a disservice. It is truly amazing how so much of your body is forced to get involved with swinging the iron cannonball back and forth rep after rep with these particular lifts. Your body adapts by constantly fighting against the force of the bell pulling away from you and your center of gravity. This also hits many muscles of your body throughout every angle of motion with each lift. Your cardiovascular fitness will adapt so fast because of the excessive level of physical exertion you obtain with each set. This is the secret behind developing super human cardio! Kettlebell workout routines are no cake walk.

If you want to develop super human cardio then you have got to give the kettlebell a try. You will never worry about a treadmill, elliptical trainer, or stair climber again. You will quickly realize that these other pieces of equipment are a major waste of time, space, and MONEY after you make your investment in the kettlebell.
