What Motivates You to Get Fit?

Have you been putting getting fit off? If you’re like me and most other Baby Boomers, fitness can become a ROUNDTOIT! Something you talk about, think about but don’t do anything about it. Sometimes it’s days, Sometimes it’s weeks. And, sometimes its years. Whatever your case may be, isn’t it time to start treating your fitness and health as if your life depends on it? Because it does!

I recently did an interview with Randy Janousek, a retired educator, who finally got motivated after years of procrastination. He lost 60 pounds in nine months at 65 years old and has kept it off. He did it with simple but effective lifestyle changes that anyone can do.  Not only does Randy look, feel and move better but he sleeps better too. He’s also off his asthma medication, inhaler and his blood work finally gets a smile from his doctor and not a frown.

What caused Randy to transform his body and his life?

Although he had talked to his doctor and wife about losing weight for years, it was an offhand comment from a co-worker that set Randy on the road to better health and fitness. What did his co-worker say that had such a powerful effect on Randy’s life?

Listen to his interview and discover the answer. You’ll also learn how simple changes in his diet and exercise helped him see such dramatic results. Listen here: Never Too Late for Fitness Radio

When you’ve listened to the interview, please share what motivated you to get fit and stay fit.