How can you benifet from a healthy diet?

Hi, Why do you need a healthy diet and what benifets come with one? Chosen Answer: A healthy diet is important for so many reasons. First of all, it can help delay the aging process. It can help keep us physically and mentally active well into our senior years. It can prevent cancer and diabetes …

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Sit and Be Fit-Senior Chair Exercise Workout, 2 DVD set, Seniors Fitness Video, Stretching, Aerobics, Strength Training, and Balance. Improve flexibility, muscle and bone strength, circulation, heart health, and stability, Developed By Mary Ann Wilson, RN

Fun rehabilitative movements. Backed by light-hearted music. The Sit And Be FitTM DVD developed by a registered nurse, helps seniors build strength, increase flexibility, stimulate circulation, improve balance, and heighten coordination with fun, action-packed warm-ups and exercises that can be performed safely in the comfort of a chair. Features two complete workouts. Two DVDs, approximately …

Read moreSit and Be Fit-Senior Chair Exercise Workout, 2 DVD set, Seniors Fitness Video, Stretching, Aerobics, Strength Training, and Balance. Improve flexibility, muscle and bone strength, circulation, heart health, and stability, Developed By Mary Ann Wilson, RN