The Best Cardio Workout To Burn Fat in Fat

Everything you know about cardio is about to change. You are about to discover the truth about five cardio exercises to burn fat and lose more belly fat in less workout time. Let’s start looking at the old way obsolete fat burning. The first session of cardio to burn fat is “Old School cardio.” For …

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How many miles do I need to run in a single cardio workout and How many times a week?

How many miles do I need to run in a single cardio workout or how many calories do I need to burn in a single workout to ensure proper weight loss. I am looking to lose upto 20 pounds the healthy way. Also is it ok to combine cardio and strength training in the same …

Read moreHow many miles do I need to run in a single cardio workout and How many times a week?

How long should a HIIT cardio workout last?

As the question asks if the cardio workout lasts for 15 minutes is it still possible to workout after or is it defeating the purpose of the cardio session? Chosen Answer: 15 minutes is kind of short, as far as cardio workouts go. Don’t get me wrong…15 mins of HIIT is MUCH better than no …

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